What is Florida KidCare?
Florida KidCare is the state of Florida’s quality, affordable health, and dental insurance for kids. Florida KidCare is made up of four unique programs—Medicaid for children, MediKids, Florida Healthy Kids and Children’s Medical Services Managed Care Plan. All four Florida KidCare coverage options include doctor visits, check-ups, hospital stays, surgeries, immunizations, prescriptions, emergencies, vision and hearing, dental, mental health services and more.
Who can apply for Florida KidCare?
Florida children from birth through the end of age 18 are eligible for Florida KidCare, even if one or both parents are working. Lawfully residing immigrant children are also eligible for coverage, regardless of their parents’ immigration status.
How much does Florida KidCare cost?
It’s completely free to apply, and Florida KidCare works hard to keep coverage affordable. Most families pay nothing at all for coverage, and many families pay as little as $15 or $20 a month. Some families may have small co-pays for certain services. There are also competitively priced full-pay options for those who do not qualify for subsidized coverage.

A free online eligibility calculator is available to help Florida families interested in applying for Florida KidCare. This tool utilizes two key pieces of information – family size and annual household income – to estimate a family’s monthly premium payment for Florida KidCare coverage.
How to apply for Florida KidCare
Families can apply for Florida KidCare online or with a paper application (online is suggested). See the Family Checklist document to make sure you have all the information needed to fill out the application. We are a Certified Application Assistant and are here to answer questions and provide one-on-one help as needed.

Visit www.floridakidcare.org enter partner code: HCSEF when applying. Call 1-888-540-KIDS (5437) Monday – Friday from 7:30 a.m. to 7:30 p.m. (Eastern Standard Time)
For local assistance to learn more about the Florida KidCare program and for application assistance, email us at kidcare@hcsef.org or call (561) 469-8202.
We are offering Florida KidCare Partner Overview training (webinar) for any organization staff that may be interested in learning more about the Florida Kidcare program to help their clients. Interested individuals should contact Nicola Chung at nchung@hcsef.org for more details.
Click here to book an appointment with one of our Florida KidCare Application Assistants
Partner with us to share information about Florida KidCare
We always welcome new partnerships to help share information and help families with their Florida KidCare applications. If you, or your organization, are interested in partnering with us please contact us at nchung@hcsef.org
· Refer families for application assistance
· Share flyer with families
· Share flyer with businesses and employees
· Follow and engage with us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram
· Share upcoming community events for us to promote Florida KidCare with families
· Sign up for our newsletter and e-blasts, featuring Florida KidCare and other important information.